Sunday 20 September 2009

Quilten speciaal

I wanted to finish a lot of unfinshed work this summer, but I realized that I did not dot that at all.
I was buzzy dyeing, dyeing and dyeing... Anyway the quilten speciaal course started again last week.

For homework we had to make two small selfportraits that would express two sides of our personality. I made an aspect of my personality from fathers side and one from mothers side.

Procion mx dyeing with deconstructed screenprinting - collaged

I made something that resembles a box(brown colored book covers). The selfportraits are inside and on the outside I have put some fabric I made:

Front I: procion mx dyeing, fabric paint and foil made with a waxed-screenprint

Front II: a carved board clamp resist dyeing technique dyed with an ancient dye called safflower.